How do you deal with difficult customers?

Sometimes, after we have dealt with a client who didn’t pay, or someone who had unrealistic expectations, we have wished for the ability to read and submit reviews on your customers. A reverse Angie’s List. It seems only reasonable given that many potential clients check a company’s ratings on various sites before reaching out.

Of course, you always want to try to do the things mentioned on this list, but what if you have done all that and they still have not paid? With, you can review customers or read reviews from other businesses about a particular client.

Launched in 2016, the site is quickly gaining popularity across the nation. encourages businesses to review all types of customers. This, in turn, helps other businesses find potential customers with whom they would work well.

Owner Scott Carzo refers to it as a “rainbow list,” encompassing good customers, potential customers who may not be the best fit for your business, and everything in between.

This reverse Angie’s List provides numerous benefits to businesses. By avoiding unsuitable clients, companies can save money, while taking on customers they know are a good fit for their services can increase profits. Furthermore, knowing that a customer will pay on time can reduce bad debts and give landscaping company owners peace of mind.

According to the site, not only can business owners look up customers, but subcontractors can review general contractors, and businesses can review suppliers. This level of accountability can protect companies from inadvertently hiring unscrupulous subcontractors or purchasing from a supplier who consistently delivers late.

how to handle difficult customers