For lawn care maintenance services in Huntersville, we bill via email on the 1st of the month. For one-time projects, a 50% deposit is due upon acceptance of the estimate with the remaining balance due on the day of completion.
The best way is to fill out our request for estimate form. Follow the link to read about our lawn care estimate process for properties in Huntersville.
These estimated prices will vary based on the lot size, terrain slope, trees, fences, or obstacles, such as trampolines, which can increase the cutting time.
Our minimum price is $135 per month for a yearly lawn maintenance service for lots up to 9,500 sq ft. Our minimum one time cleanup fee is $295.
No. As long as we can access your backyard and your pets are secured, we can give you an estimate for lawn care maintenance in Huntersville. If you are looking for a landscape design or a one-time cleanup, we prefer to set up an appointment to get the full scope of work.
We do not give lawn care quotes or estimates over the phone. We need to see your property in order to give a fair and accurate landscaping estimate.
During a lawn care maintenance service visit we mow, edge, string trim areas the mower cannot get to, trim (shape) shrubs, spray beds, and blow hard surfaces, as needed). We average 35-40 visits/year. Once per week during peak growing season and tapering off to every 1-2 visits per month in the winter.
For lawn care maintenance services in Huntersville, we bill via email on the 1st of the month. For one-time projects, a 50% deposit is due upon acceptance of the estimate with the remaining balance due on the day of completion.
We service properties weekly (every week) during the summer because bi-weekly (every two weeks) maintenance requires more time, chemicals, and effort due to increased debris buildup. When we first started, we tried bi-weekly servicing, and it was a valuable learning experience. However, we’ve since realized why it’s not the best approach. Here are the (very honest) reasons we no longer offer it: Click here for the list.
If you need to request us to skip a lawn care maintenance service, please let us know at least 24 hours before the day you are expected us to mow as we set up the schedule the night before.
We make every attempt to do this.
We are sorry. We service specific locations only on certain days of the week.
When we send an estimate for a suggested or requested tasks, a 50% deposit is required to add the job to the calendar. The remaining balance will be charged to the credit or debit card on file with us upon completion of the job.
We require either a debit/credit card or ACH bank draft information to be on file at the time you sign a contract with us. You will be billed automatically on the 1st of each month to your payment method on file.
We may not have to mow every single time we are at your property. The grass growth starts to slow down in September and, by November, we switch to leaf removal mode. Most people think in the wintertime, it takes LESS time to perform a lawn maintenance service on your property, but in fact, it takes even MORE time to service a property. We must blow the leaves out of the beds and rake or mulch the debris. In the fall, winter, and early spring, when the grass is dormant, we have time to work on items that we do not have time to do in the growing season. We thin out (prune out suckers), limb up shrubs (make sure nothing is touching the ground), prune dead out of shrubs, dig out vines by the roots, prune landscape perennials and small grasses, as well as some other items. We will send you an estimate if it falls outside of a “normal” service. We figure we will be at your property an average of 40 times per year.
For best results, please do not water your lawn the night before or the morning of scheduled service.
We send an email to let you know when we have completed a service. For an additional cost, we can text you before and after photos of your property, every time, to give you peace of mind.
We understand that sometimes you forget to clear your yard before a service, however, we ask that you please be mindful to ensure the yard is clear before we mow. If it is a regular occurrence that we have to clear your yard before being able to mow, there will be an additional charge for each occurrence. We cannot be responsible for any damages to items left in the yard. Thank you for your understanding.
When we first started, everyone was asking if we did fertilizer and weed killer for the grass. We found there is a lot of education, licenses, and insurance that we would have to get before even suggesting we take on that task. We decided we needed to find a local, owner-operated business that already had the experience. We researched a bunch of companies and chose John O’Shea to refer people to. He can be reached at (704) 607-7121.
We communicate often and, if something on a property does not look right, we notify him right away with our concern. We do not require that you use this company, but we definitely recommend them for all of your chemical program needs.
A regular lawn care service in Huntersville does not include HEAVY pruning of shrubs; pruning trees, large grasses, or palm trees; any chemicals on the lawn; spring, storm, or new leaf cleanups; mulch and/or pine straw.