Can I pause landscaping services in the fall?
- The short answer is no.
- The long answer is that in the fall, winter, and early spring are when we do the specialty pruning, thinning, and limbing up of shrubs. We DO NOT stop services.
- In the wintertime, you may think it takes LESS time to perform a lawn maintenance service to your property, but it takes even MORE time to service a property because we must blow the leaves out of the beds first BEFORE we can mow.
- In the fall, winter, and early spring, when the grass is dormant, we have time to work on items that we do not have time to do in the growing season.
- We thin out (prune out suckers) and limb up shrubs (make sure nothing is touching the ground)
- Prune dead out of shrubs, dig out vines by the roots, prune landscape perennials and small grasses, as well as some other items. We will send you an estimate if it falls outside of a “normal” service.
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